Black River Audubon Society presents a special event
in conjunction with Lorain County Metro Parks.


presented by filmmaker, Bob Dolgan

September 1, 2:00 pm
French Creek Nature Center
Sheffield Lake, OH

This event is free to members and non-members. Please register on the Lorain County Metro Parks. Search “Fluddles” under programs or click on the orange registration button below and select French Creek program.

FLUDDLES chronicles the wildlife of agricultural wetlands of Illinois. Sometimes simply described as “big puddles,” fluddles appear in the spring and fall and provide habitat and forage for a diversity of waterfowl and shorebird species. FLUDDLES takes viewers on a journey to these secret, oft-fleeting wildernesses in a time when Illinois has lost 90% of its original wetlands. FLUDDLES features those who enjoy the beauty of wetlands while showcasing the movement under way to construct more wetlands, which provide critical habitat, reduce flooding and erosion, and help to ensure healthier waterways. FLUDDLES is a follow-up to THE MAGIC STUMP and the second in The Prairie State film series. Partners in this project include U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Ducks Unlimited, John Wesley Powell Audubon Society, Northwest Illinois Audubon Society, Peoria Audubon Society, The Wetlands Initiative, The Nature Conservancy, Illinois Environmental Council, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership, Agri Drain Corporation, Red Hill Birding, Arkansas Audubon Society, and individual land owners and birders. 

FLUDDLES is the fourth film by MONTY AND ROSE Director Bob Dolgan. Other crew members include Bill Davison, Associate Producer, Sharon Filipkowski, Editor, and Mitchell Fransen, Videographer. Music for FLUDDLES is by John Guido of Great Waters

outBirding Blogger and Filmmaker Releases “Fluddles”—a Must-See Documentary

“Fluddles is a thoughtful and beautiful meditation of both what we have lost in our natural world in Illinois and beyond and what may be regained if we open our minds to the possibilities.”

Read full review of the film.