Chronicle Telegram: ”Winging It”

Every other Friday in the Outdoors section

  1. It’s a murmuration . . . and it’s beautiful (European starlings) (3.13.20)

  2. The magic of the Sandhills (3.27.20)

  3. The beauty that is the bluebirds (4.10.20)

  4. Strength in numbers: Avon Lake Bald Eagles (4.24.20)

  5. The beautiful, melodious warblers (5.8.20)

  6. Hummingbirds: Now you see them . . . and now you don’t (5.22.20)

  7. Birding: It’s not always about the birds (6.05.20)

  8. Nature’s sneaky little moocher: Brown-headed cowbirds (6.19.20)

  9. Now you see him … sometimes you don’t: Black-necked stilts (7.03.20)

  10. A second life for the great birds of prey: LCMP Raptor Center (7.17.20)

  11. Saying a sad goodbye to backyard friends (7.31.20)

  12. ‘The Home Place’ tells the story of a Black birder’s journey (8.14.20)

  13. The beauty of prairies, wetlands in Lorain County (8.28.20)

  14. An unlikely, but welcome, visitor: Brown booby (9.11.20)

  15. Providing a home for the chimney swift (9.25.20)

  16. Picking a favorite bird? Well, don’t try to wing it (10.09.20)

  17. For the love of birds— all 528 (10.23.20)

  18. Ohioan’s ‘Big Year’ leads to a very exciting one (11.06.20)

  19. Annual count has a rich history: Christmas Bird County (11.20.20)

  20. The little finch that stole this birder’s heart (12.04.20)

  21. Wait … you’re going birding where? (12.18.20)

  22. 2020 was for the birds - and the birders (01.01.21)

  23. Sometimes the rewards of photography are more than just the pictures (01.15.21)

  24. An American beauty: Kestrels (01.29.21)

  25. Yes, a Cooper’s hawk was named after some guy named Cooper (02.12.21)

  26. On the lakes, these little birds are special: Piping plovers (02.26.21)

  27. Before you call them invasive, go look in the mirror: Starlings & house sparrows (03.12.21)

  28. The handsome blue jay is one intelligent bird (03.26.21)

  29. Don’t dare mess with the house wren (04.09.21)

  30. If you see this bird, run, don’t walk, to the nearest phone (04.23.21)

  31. When it comes to color, you can’t beat the Baltimore oriole (05.07.21)

  32. For these Nerds, bird is the word (05.21.21)

  33. Those Canada goose— you gotta love them . . . or not (06.04.21)

  34. Sometimes the chase is about more than birds (06.18.21)

  35. Look the is a duck in that tree (Wood Ducks) (07.02.21)

  36. Climate change can lead to extinction (07.16.21)

  37. Little brown bird with a big borrowed song (07.30.21)

  38. Here’s looking at you (Short-eared Owl) (08.13.21)

  39. Martins on a mission (08.27.21)

  40. Grab the guidebook and hit the birding trail (09,10.21)

  41. Search for the little dipper— trip to Colorado (09.24.21)

  42. Little and loveable: Tufted titmouse (10.08.21)

  43. Great blue herons are reminders of our past (10.22.21)

  44. The red-tailed hawk is steeped in his history (11.05.21)

  45. Can 7 state be wrong (Cardinals) (11.19.21)

  46. Harbingers of winter (Dark-eyed junco) (12.03.21)

  47. Definitely not “just a gull” (12.17.21)

  48. Creatures of the wind (Albatross) (12.31.21)

  49. Natural fisherman (Osprey) (01.14.22)

  50. Meet the bird that lures birders to sub-zero Minnesota wilds (Great gray owl) (01.28.22)

  51. Who’s that funny little bird climbing sideways up the tree? (White-breasted nuthatch) (02.11.22)

  52. Birds who flock together (Red-winged blackbird) (02.25.22)

  53. It was a really Big Year (03.11.22)

  54. Girls just want to have fun (Florida trip) (03.25.22)

  55. Their fate is in our hands (04.08.22)

  56. Looks aren’t everything (Turkey vulture) (04.22.22)

  57. When the big city called (David Lindo) (05.06.22)

  58. Sometimes they’re simply just little brown birds (05.22.22)

  59. The stately catbird is nature’s little mimic (06.03.22)

  60. The joy of glimpsing a Kirtland’s Warbler (06.17.22)

  61. Rockin’ Robins (07.01.22)

  62. One magnificent mudflat (07.29.22)

  63. The little bird worth its weight in gold (08.12.22)

  64. There’s a reason it’s call a kingfisher (08.26.22)

  65. Move over great blue, there is a much smarter heron in town (09.09.22)

  66. Rare sighting just ducky (09.23.22)

  67. A peaceful soul cloaked in gray (10.07.22)

  68. The treasurers of Costa Rica (10.21.22)

  69. Leave those leaves (11.04.22)

  70. Let’s talk some turkey (11.18.22)

  71. Little living submarine (pied-billed grebe) (12.16.22)

  72. Passenger pigeons: From 5 billion to none (12.30.22)

  73. The bird built for the cold (snow bunting) (1.13.23)

  74. And the Oscar goes to: The killdeer (1.27.23)

  75. Birds are our watchdog (2.10.23)

2. Sandhill Cranes.jpg

76. Black River Audubon celebrates 65 (2.24.23)
77. Longing for the long-tail (3.10.23)
78. New book chronicles miracle of migration (3.24.23)
79. Winging it in the Sunshine State (4.7.23)
80. Earth Day should be every day (4.21.23)
81. Singing the praises of the yellow warbler (5.5.23)
82. What bird is that singing? Like magic, Merlin knows (5.19.23)
83. A little bird with a huge aerial attack (6.2.23)
84. Peak Preserve provides key grassland habitat (6.16.23)
85. When the worlds of birding and AI collide (6.30.23)
86. Finding treasure among the trash (7.14.23)
87. Birds are good for the soul and the economy (7.28.23)
88. Nature’s little bebopper (8.11.23)
89. It’s called Ornitherapy . . . and it works (8.25.23)
90. Saving our birds more urgent now than ever (9.8.23)
91. The blackpoll’s amazing long journey (9.22.23)
92. Pigeons deserve better from us (10.6.23)
93. And you thought the movie was scary (10.20.23)
94. Window vs. bird stories rarely have happy endings (11.3.23)
95. If not us, then who? If not now, when? (11.17.23)
96. The mallard— sweetheart of duckdom (12.01.23)
97. The history is in the cards (12.15.23)
98. A popular little visitor (12.29.23)
99. Strong, trusting and oh-so-cute (01.12.24)
100. The Snowman of the Artic (01.26.24)
101. A bounty of avian beauty calls Scotland its home (02.09.24)
102. If it’s a red-wing, it may just be spring (02.23.24)
103. Silent Spring still relevant today (03.08.24)
104. A search for the black-backed woodpecker (03.22.24)
105. If only looks could kill (04.05.24)
106. Spring warbler wave heading our way (04.19.24)
107. The bounty of Sandy Ridge (05.03.24)
108. Nature’s ugly duckling (05.17.24)
109. The future of bird tracking (Motus) (05.31.24)
110. Preservation of wildlife habitat to be moved to forefront (06.14.24)
111. When beaks hold more than a belican (06.28.24)
112. Behold, the phantoms of the forest (07.12.24)
113. Don’t go judging this duck by its bill (07.26.24)