Bird-Friendly Buildings
Bird Collisions
Research indicates that up to 1 billion birds may be killed per year in the U.S. alone due to window collisions. Birds hit buildings at all hours during the day and night. At night migrating birds can be distracted by bright lights in our cities. During the day the problem is reflection or other confusing aspects of glass.
The increased use of glass in our modern buildings, including large expanses of highly-glazed or ultra-clear glass, presents a serious hazard for birds. Most birds don’t perceive glass as an obstacle. Instead they see the things they know and need, such as habitat and open sky, reflected in the glazed surface or on the other side of one or more panes of glass. (Audubon)
Lights Out
Bird-friendly Buildings
CBS News (8 miutes)
Chicago Ornithological Society (1 hour 17 minutes)
American Bird Conservancy: Webinar: The Bird-Safe Buildings Act: How to Save 1 Billion Birds from Collisions (28 minutes)
Building for the birds | Joanna Eckles | TEDx (13 minutes)
Windows Collisions at Home
We now see billions of fewer birds than we did only half a century ago. Urban development poses risks to birds, with approximately 1 billion birds dying in North America from window collisions each year alone. Migrating birds unfamiliar with their surroundings are unable to see exterior window glass in their search for habitat.
Others are attracted to the reflective windows, mistaking them as an extension of the sky and trees. This inability to see the glass causes them to collide with the windows at full speed, which is most often substantial enough to be fatal.
With nearly two-thirds of North American birds at risk of extinction, now more than ever we have a responsibility to protect our feathered friends. Feather Friendly® Bird Deterrent Technology is a simple solution that makes a big mark when it comes to bird conservation.