Leader: Sally Fox
Bacon Woods is the larger, more natural, part of the Vermilion River Reservation, which was the first Lorain County Metro Park. (The smaller part is called Mill Hollow and is mostly given to historic buildings and picnic areas.) Less than 10% of Bacon Woods is developed, with picnic and open recreation areas and an amphitheater. About 5% is a managed meadow and the rest is bottomland deciduous forest. A tornado in 1992 knocked down many trees and the replacement growth gives a variety of vegetation ages. The mix of river, meadow, and woods gives a bird list approaching 150 species.
From the farthest north parking area, the Bacon Woods Trail is a wooded 0.85 mi. loop; the short Syacamore Trail makes it a rough figure eight. The Bacon Woods Trail leads to the Bluebird Trail, a 0.70 mi. loop most of which skirts the edges of the meadow. At two points if offers an overview of a secondary channel, usually dry, of the Vermilion River. The 1.15 mi. Coopers Hollow Trail branches from the northernmost point of Bluebird (there is no sign at the junction) and becomes a loop. It is entirely wooded and follows the riverbank for part of its length.
The Bacon Woods Trail is crushed stone with two boardwalks over intermittent watercourses. Bluebird is mowed grass, a boardwalk, and packed earth; in spring parts may require wading in standing water. The Coopers Hollow Trail is packed earth and may also be very muddy in spring. The trails are open to leashed pets but closed to bicycles.