Ohio Bird Records Committee Annotated Checklist of the Bird of Ohio

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Ohio Bird Records Committee Annotated Checklist of the Bird of Ohio


The Ohio Bird Records Committee (OBRC) in cooperation with the Ohio Ornithological Society (OOS) publication of the 2022 edition of the Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Ohio, authored by Robert Harlan. The last edition of this valuable resource for Ohio birders was published in 2008. The newest edition contains current and historical information about the 443 bird species countable in Ohio up to March 2022. Many things have changed since 2008 and that data is reflected in this booklet. The Checklist booklet provides you with a way to track the birds you have seen in Ohio with a box next to each species that you can “check off”, as well as bar charts and annotations that give you guidance on when to expect species in Ohio across a calendar year, as well as abundance and population trends.

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